March 09, 2007

Late night


It's after midnight, it's been a long day and it's now a late night.

I finally had my Brown Bag presentation today and... for all intents and purposes... it went well (I received several kudos from colleagues, including my manager). I'm pretty proud of myself on that one... but GLAD it's over! :)

Just found out my friends had their second child... a baby boy-Alex. The pictures on their site show a beautiful, healthy, snuggly baby. Congratulations again to Katie, Adam and Holly - and welcome Alex!

T and I just finished ordering "Save the Date" magnets (just before midnight-ugh!). I'm somewhat surprised at the ease and fairly low cost of all the wedding stuff (to date). I realize this might change, but most "big" arrangements have been made and we're aware of costs and have created separate savings accounts in which we each deposit a certain amount a month. When we add it all up with what my parents are contributing, I think we're in good shape with a nice, down-to-earth yet elegant, romantic yet rustic, fairly affordable (in comparison to what I hear the average wedding can run) ceremony and celebration! I'm really happy with how things are shaping up and how T and I are starting to work together on some of the more fun and tangible wedding-related items (we even decided on an invitation we liked... it just happened one day last weekend after looking at so many and me ordering a variety of samples!) Another relief!


Time for bed!

No presentations tomorrow... just a good day of work and an even better weekend!


March 02, 2007

Oh my aching...


It's Friday and I'm excited for that. It's Friday and I get to leave work early.
It's Friday and I'm leaving early to see the podiatrist... NOT fun.

My heel pain was finally diagnosed a couple weeks back as plantar faciitis (sp?) and I also have heel spurs in both feet (yay). I remember when I was little there was a happy, upbeat cowboy song that went something like, "I got spurs that jingle, jangle, jingle"... somehow my spurs don't give off that same feeling. Ah well.

The doctor will be (for the second time) injecting cortisone into each foot from the inside side of each heel... hence the title of this entry. It hurts like hell!!! (What's interesting is I have never had a problem with needles or injections or giving blood, etc., but apparently this is the worst/most painful area to have this type of needle jabbed - and I agree.)

Anyway, onto happier thoughts... HAPPY HOUR! Still not sure if I'm going as I no longer work in DC and it's terribly inconvenient to drive in right after work in VA, but I'm gonna look into it. The HH is with old coworkers and I'm excited to see a couple of them (notice "a couple"). Only showing up will tell.

No real plans for the weekend - must get my nephew's b-day gift wrapped and shipped to Pgh!
Happy Friday!