February 28, 2008

Right place-Right time

Tonight was pretty interesting... here's an excerpt from an email I just sent to a friend (after telling her that her puppy is doing well... [we're puppy-sitting her dog, Maya, this week and Maya and Chloe are having fun adventures in our home!])...

So... the reason I'm glad I went to class tonight (as opposed to Tuesday when I skipped then and almost skipped tonight)... it was a scary ride home. I was coming from Marshall High School out near Tysons far down Route 7 and was just about to approach the intersection at Seven Corners by the Koons Ford dealership when I was approaching a light. The light ahead turned green and I was in the right-hand lane when I saw cars ahead of me passing a car stopped in front of them... I got up to that car and got frustrated (as most DC drivers do) and lightly beeped... I finally was going to go around the car when I looked inside and saw an elderly woman who looked to be passed out. :( I got nervous and pulled ahead of her and put on my hazards. I went to her window and she opened her eyes when I knocked on it... I asked her if she could roll it down and when she did I asked if she was ok. She said slowly, "not really" (her nose was runny and she looked to be sweating) so I was already planning to call 911 but I first asked if there was someone she wanted me to call... she said her son. I asked his name and she said, Daniel. I asked if she knew his number but she couldn't remember. I then called 911-it was Fairfax that answered I think (they took forever as they couldn't determine if it was their jurisdiction based on the cross-streets I gave... VERY frustrating!). Finally they transferred me to Arlington 911 and they sent an ambulance and fire truck (within 5 minutes they arrived). During the wait, I reached inside her window and turned on her hazards then I asked if I could sit in her car with her -she said yes. I got inside and was talking to her and managed to learn that she was from Falls church, but couldn't remember where she was coming from - she was on her way home though. I got more info on her son, Daniel, and found out he lived in Falls Church as well so I called 411 (after getting his and her last name). His wife answered (and initially sounded leary when I called and asked for her husband... she asked who was calling). I told her my name and asked if Daniel's mother's name was Kathleen... she said yes and I proceeded to tell her that I was with her mother-in-law on the side of the road (at this time was when the ambulance and fire truck arrived). She got worried when I explained the situation and then she told me that her mother-in-law was diabetic and might be in diabetic shock - I relayed that to the paramedics. From there on it was all in their hands, but I was really shakey. I'm SO glad I stopped... I have no idea how many other cars passed this poor woman, but I almost did the same, so I'm glad I looked when I passed and actually stopped. I'm still a bit shakey actually... *sigh* I almost didn't go to class tonight, but I guess it was meant to be though. You know what's funny? I always wanted to go into medicine and tonight might prompt me to look further into it. I felt good when I left and knew that Kathleen was getting help. I thought about my grandma, nana and pop-pop... it made me sad that I didn't have or spend much time with them as they got older and I got too involved in my own life, but I hope that tonight helped Kathleen's son Daniel and their family get some more time with their sweet mother. She was a really sweet woman. :)

Needless to say, I'm pretty tired... it was a bit of an exhausting evening. Makes me wonder if there are reasons why we are in certain places at certain times. Hmm...

February 22, 2008

New Home Started!

We finally received the news this past weekend that the builders broke ground on our new townhome! My coworker and her husband moved into theirs just before Christmas 2007, and we went to their open house last weekend... it was fun to see their place all done (it's beautiful!) and know that ours will soon appear behind theirs (and to the left) around the 3rd or 4th week of June! YAY!

Here's a photo of the ones in our community (Oaklawn by Pulte) that are already built and ours will look like the second house over from the right (we'll have a full-brick front with a blue door).

I have SO many ideas of how to decorate and can't WAIT to get in there, but I also need to enjoy our current place because my commute to work is only a 5-minute drive! (After we move it will be an hour each way-ugh!)

I think I'll post some updated photos to track the construction... (starting this Tuesday morning when we have our pre-construction meeting). :oD

October 23, 2007

I hate insurance

Why is it so hard to have good insurance in the US? ...and even moreso, why is it so darn expensive?! Ok ok - if I didn't have it, I'd be a lot worse off that I am with my current balance due from a surgery I had back in August ($785). Nevertheless, it sucks!

I'm just venting - there are worse things in the world I know, but right now, after finalizing things with a new house, I don't need this balance due. Ah well, I'm going to call to see if I can do a payment plan (because I certainly don't have that amount to shell out in one full payment at this time).

On another note - well - not much else to say right now. I should be working, so I'm going to get back to that.

Things to do:
Make name change official (uh-still need to figure out what I'm doing with that)
Stick to diet (just restarted a program... hopefully I'll succeed as I was prior to my Nana passing away on the day of my bridal shower... that's about when I let my whole health program go down the toilet)
Sell some things on craigslist (CD cabinet, air hockey table of T's, etc.)
Oh yeah... SEND THANK YOUs from wedding! I'm TOTALLY behind on this... but given that we were gone for 3 weeks after the wedding, I have a little excuse for not getting them out yet (time's running out though).
Crap-pay final payment to photographer (this combined with what I owe the hospital is going to really set me back) :(

The list can continue, but I'll get back to work now!

October 17, 2007

It's only been 3 months...

But a LOT has happened! (I figured it was about time I updated my blog)

Let's see...
Wedding - Sept 15
Visit with family - Sept 16-22
Honeymoon - Sept 23-Oct 6

As if that weren't enough to tackle in a short period, T & I decided to take it one step further!

NO - I'm not preggo (yeah right! not THAT fast!)

We bought a house! Well, it's not official yet as we need to finalize things with regard to the mortgage, but it will be a brand new townhouse that is to be built in early spring and finished in early summer. We put down the deposit to hold our particular model and unit location this past Tuesday, and already we have a meeting set with our "Design Consultant" on Nov 3!

Our plan to move back to PA in a couple years has been thwarted by this new development, but we're really excited about it!

Where: Leesburg, VA
What: Pulte Townhome in Oaklawn (Planned Community)
Details: 3-level, 2-car garage, 4bd/3.5ba, 2855 sq ft. (more space than we need right now, but perhaps I'll fulfill that other "step" listed above after we move) ;oP
When: Closing early next summer (May or June '08)

Here's the Model (Tyler)

As for the wedding, you can see photos at the following sites:

More timely posts to come! :)

July 16, 2007

Life throws a curve-ball

With what should be an exciting time of wedding-planning, it's hard to face the fact that real life-both good and bad-continues around us everyday.

Cancer never really affected my family but I've known many people who have had to face and battle with it... given T's very close family ties to this , I thought I had a closer feeling of what it can do, but I didn't really know it until a family member of mine was diagnosed (for a second time) last fall 2006. My Uncle John G. (as I have two uncles-both named John) was fortunate to have survived 10 years after having a cancerous tumor removed from his leg (naively, I was really wrapped up in finishing college and didn't realize the severity of what could have been). I'm very thankful for the additional 10 years we had with him (although, I rarely got to see him except for several holiday gatherings and a random visit to he and my Aunt Barb's house now and then during weekend visists to PA). Sadly, my uncle John G succumed to his most recent diagnosis of brain and stomach cancer this past Saturday, July 14 (his 70th birthday).

I just pray for my Aunt and cousins during this time. I know it can't be easy to lose a loved one (a husband and father) but to lose them to such a horrific disease is devistating. Can't we just find a cure for all cancer already?! :(

In honor of my Uncle John, I will carry on our strange little "thing" that we started when I was much much younger (probably under 10 years old), and continue to say our phrase, "You having a good time at my party?" at future family gatherings - perhaps with Nora or Mikie-or even Astri (when she learns English). :)

July 12, 2007

Lazy Week!

So many tasks so little time... or is it so much time, so many ways to procrastinate?!

I'm sitting here doing something I haven't done in months (blog) and yet I have gifts to wrap (2 friends and 1 neighbor have had baby girls in the last 3.5 months and I bought gifts and cards for all a while back and have yet to wrap and send (uh-the little outfits might very well be too small for the babies now). :/

I also have a house to clean and some mail to go though. Sounds easy enough, but isn't it? (At least I put away 2 loads of laundry I did a few nights ago, folded and left in 2 piles on the floor for 3 days!)

Anyway, summer reruns are on and I need to get the new patio furniture cushions (50% off at Target! Glad I waited a day since they were 30% off yesterday!) inside in case we get anymore rain.

Time to stop procrastinating!
Oh no! Scrubs is on!
(I'm going... I'm going!) ;oP

March 09, 2007

Late night


It's after midnight, it's been a long day and it's now a late night.

I finally had my Brown Bag presentation today and... for all intents and purposes... it went well (I received several kudos from colleagues, including my manager). I'm pretty proud of myself on that one... but GLAD it's over! :)

Just found out my friends had their second child... a baby boy-Alex. The pictures on their site show a beautiful, healthy, snuggly baby. Congratulations again to Katie, Adam and Holly - and welcome Alex!

T and I just finished ordering "Save the Date" magnets (just before midnight-ugh!). I'm somewhat surprised at the ease and fairly low cost of all the wedding stuff (to date). I realize this might change, but most "big" arrangements have been made and we're aware of costs and have created separate savings accounts in which we each deposit a certain amount a month. When we add it all up with what my parents are contributing, I think we're in good shape with a nice, down-to-earth yet elegant, romantic yet rustic, fairly affordable (in comparison to what I hear the average wedding can run) ceremony and celebration! I'm really happy with how things are shaping up and how T and I are starting to work together on some of the more fun and tangible wedding-related items (we even decided on an invitation we liked... it just happened one day last weekend after looking at so many and me ordering a variety of samples!) Another relief!


Time for bed!

No presentations tomorrow... just a good day of work and an even better weekend!