July 16, 2007

Life throws a curve-ball

With what should be an exciting time of wedding-planning, it's hard to face the fact that real life-both good and bad-continues around us everyday.

Cancer never really affected my family but I've known many people who have had to face and battle with it... given T's very close family ties to this , I thought I had a closer feeling of what it can do, but I didn't really know it until a family member of mine was diagnosed (for a second time) last fall 2006. My Uncle John G. (as I have two uncles-both named John) was fortunate to have survived 10 years after having a cancerous tumor removed from his leg (naively, I was really wrapped up in finishing college and didn't realize the severity of what could have been). I'm very thankful for the additional 10 years we had with him (although, I rarely got to see him except for several holiday gatherings and a random visit to he and my Aunt Barb's house now and then during weekend visists to PA). Sadly, my uncle John G succumed to his most recent diagnosis of brain and stomach cancer this past Saturday, July 14 (his 70th birthday).

I just pray for my Aunt and cousins during this time. I know it can't be easy to lose a loved one (a husband and father) but to lose them to such a horrific disease is devistating. Can't we just find a cure for all cancer already?! :(

In honor of my Uncle John, I will carry on our strange little "thing" that we started when I was much much younger (probably under 10 years old), and continue to say our phrase, "You having a good time at my party?" at future family gatherings - perhaps with Nora or Mikie-or even Astri (when she learns English). :)

July 12, 2007

Lazy Week!

So many tasks so little time... or is it so much time, so many ways to procrastinate?!

I'm sitting here doing something I haven't done in months (blog) and yet I have gifts to wrap (2 friends and 1 neighbor have had baby girls in the last 3.5 months and I bought gifts and cards for all a while back and have yet to wrap and send (uh-the little outfits might very well be too small for the babies now). :/

I also have a house to clean and some mail to go though. Sounds easy enough, but isn't it? (At least I put away 2 loads of laundry I did a few nights ago, folded and left in 2 piles on the floor for 3 days!)

Anyway, summer reruns are on and I need to get the new patio furniture cushions (50% off at Target! Glad I waited a day since they were 30% off yesterday!) inside in case we get anymore rain.

Time to stop procrastinating!
Oh no! Scrubs is on!
(I'm going... I'm going!) ;oP